Saturday, April 25, 2009

KENYA BURNING - thegodownartscentre EXHIBITION

Through the month of May 2009, Mombasa gets to view the horrifying pictures of post election violence that rocked the rest of the country following the botched December 2007 elections.The exhibition is hosted at the old law courts next to the famous Fort Jesus Museum.

It is instructive that those who will get to see these pictures are them that survived the escallation of the violence after the international community weighed in pressure on the political divide to deuce out a coalition truce to run the interim 5 years wherein reforms are expected to ease out the venom that thrives on Kenya's ethno-herrenvolkist voting patterns.

Sadly, the pictorial display captures the effects of the mayhem not the cause of the social protractions. A video show set to be shown early Saturday 25th April 2007 to unravel this hidden side of the African curse failed to take off when the projectors acted up. The promise however was put that these video presentations will henceforth be running concurrently with the still picture exhibits.

This blog reserves comment until such video footage is assesed.

As a Kenyan, it is a humbling experience to witness and reflect events which ought not ever be repeated in our history. Unfortunately, the political bickering that pervades the very coalition is itself a distant siren to an impeeding storm.

God forbid we have to go through this arnarchy in the name of democracy.